Friday, March 9, 2012

Bravo to the author of FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF…a true Patriot


Buy the Book: From Sovereign to Serf - Instant download!
Instant Download!
Bravo to the author of From Sovereign to Serf! I tape all of your radio shows and listen to them over and over. The From Sovereign to Serf book really helped me understand what I heard you say on the radio. I think I’ve gotten the hang of your information. I hereby dub thee “Sir Yeoman of the Patriot Clan.”   

Thanks for writing From Sovereign to Serf

- Joe K., Patriot

Makow, Rense and Icke

Praise for Roger Sayles' book, From Sovereign to Serf (Serfs UP!)
From Sovereign to Serf
Thanks Roger. I appreciate Glenn and your efforts [researching and writing FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF.] I'm happy to help if I can ... sending the review of FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF to Jeff Rense and [David] Icke. In my view, it is the best... 

- Henry Makow