Sunday, February 26, 2012

Unrivaled work and unique writing skill...

Buy the Book: From Sovereign to Serf - Instant download!
Instant Download!
We, the fraud conscious, now have the tool and the means to expose and end our slave status. The work is done. Now we must use our wit and our will to pick up the American flag and march forward. This unrivaled work and unique writing skill came to the author from a higher place. Every Sovereign Citizen I know will get one.  (FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF by Roger Sayles.)  Thanks Roger.

Serfs UP and God Bless the Republic!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012


I have read FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF from start to finish about 10 times now. The first few times I read FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF I thought, “Yes! …a really great book.” After slowing down and concentrating heavily on each individual section in FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF, I thought, "Stupendous!" Then I tore the book apart and analyzed each and every word of FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF, the way you put it all together and the far reaching content it contains and the only word I can think of to describe your work is — "Masterful." I believe anyone who reads FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF will agree.

Thank you for an amazing piece of work.
– Jim

Friday, February 17, 2012

Where can I buy the book, FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF?


I am a new listener to your From Sovereign to Serf radio program and enjoy it a great deal. I find your Wednesday show especially interesting. I’m not sure going down this rabbit hole uninformed is a healthy thing. Thus the purpose of this e-mail.

I have heard you mention the book, FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF and tonight, a video. I obviously need a re-education camp -- the self taught type, not the FEMA type. If you could please help me to find and buy the above mentioned materials I would be very appreciative.
I did also listen to John’s show tonight with his guests. Joyce keeps saying how “stupid” the American people are and while I am truly ignorant of the facts, stupid I am not. The material is new to me and I’m sure it is to 99% of Americans. Any direction you can offer would be welcome. 

Thank you for your time.

Best Regards,
Joseph P.

Where can I buy the book, FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Most Important Book in Our Library


Just got the book tonight and can see that FROM SOVEREIGN TO SERF will be the most important in our library next to God's word. Thank you and God richly bless you.

- Brent A.

Sunday, February 12, 2012



Great broadcast tonight. I am over whelmed and reconfirmed and inspired with so much information that I must listen again and again to the broadcast to take notes and absorb your knowledge and to calibrate my compass. You connect so many dots that are essential. Jesus was a true anarchist. We need only to live by the law of God and the government is made impotent.

I sent a copy of Roger Sayles' book, From Sovereign to Serf,  to a friend. It was promptly commandeered by her husband and she has yet to read it as he is reading it now. I am very surprised. It took  me over twenty years to convince her I was not wearing a tin foil hat. I pray and hope I have succeeded.

But as the river flows, so it wears down the stone.

I have found From Sovereign to Serf to be very informative, especially for those that have not beforehand been involved in the struggle, as well as others that have and are seeking the truth.

I am however researching the connection in the UCC /Merchant law in regards to property rights, right to travel, registration of property (transportation and means of locomotion) and transfer of title of property of that property through conversion and fraud.

I have yet to file my affidavit because I want it to be as short as possible and include all necessary aspects of my assertion of status.

Bless you
- Ray M.